第12回 ワークショップ
大盛況のうちに終了致しました。 多数の御参加ありがとうございました。
新学術領域「柔らかな分子系」第 12 回 ワークショップ
“International workshop “Theory, measurement and creation of porphyrinoid compounds as soft molecular systems”
Overview: In recent years, macrocyclic π-conjugated compounds attract a lot of attention due to their interesting properties. Their spectroscopic and electrochemical responses as well as their reactivity depend on the dynamics of their structures. In this workshop, we discuss various kinds of molecular properties of porphyrin-related compounds and other organic molecules from the viewpoints of theory, measurements, synthesis, and fabrications. We have seven young researchers as our speakers. Through intensive but frank discussion, we aim to find issues to be solved, to seek for best approaches that would help solving these issues, and eventually to contribute to the advancement of the related fields.