>>> 28th Workshop
>>> 27th Workshop
>>> 26th Workshop
>>> 25th Workshop
>>> 24th Workshop
>>> 23rd Workshop
>>> 22nd Workshop
>>> 21st Workshop
>>> 20th Workshop
【 Date 】 |
January 21, 2017 |
【 Venue 】 |
The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
>>> 19th Workshop
>>> 18th Workshop
>>> 17th Workshop
>>> 16th Workshop
【 Date 】 |
June 10-11, 2016 |
【 Venue 】 |
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Ookayama campus)
>>> 15th Workshop
>>> 14th Workshop
【 Date 】 |
March 1–2, 2016 |
【 Venue 】 |
Fushioukaku (128-1, Fushio, Ikeda, Osaka)
>>> 13th Workshop
>>> 12th Workshop
>>> 11th Workshop
>>> 10th Workshop
>>> 9th Workshop
>>> 8th Workshop
>>> 7th Workshop
7th Workshop “Synthesis and Function of Soft Molecular Systems: Dynamic Polymers, Supramolecules, and Metal Complexes” |
【 Date 】 |
December 12-13, 2014 |
【 Venue 】 |
Okazaki Conference Center
【 Access 】 |
http://www.orion.ac.jp/occ-e/ |
>>> 6th Workshop
6th Workshop “Regulating structure formation and function of biomolecular systems with softness” |
【 Date 】 |
September 25, 2014 |
【 Venue 】 |
Sapporo Convention Center, Room B 1-1 Higashi-Sapporo 6-jo, Shiroishi-ku, Sapporo,003-0006, Japan |
【 Access 】 |
http://www.sora-scc.jp/eng/index.html |
>>> 5th Workshop
5th Workshop “Optical Functions of Soft Molecular Systems” |
【 Date 】 |
September 20, 2014 |
【 Venue 】 |
Aster Plaza 4F (Main conference room A) Kako-machi 4-17, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima, Japan |
【 Access 】 |
http://www.cf.city.hiroshima.jp/naka-cs/ |
>>> 4th Workshop
>>> 3rd Workshop
>>> 2nd Workshop
Workshop “Opinions of Soft Molecular Systems in Young Researchers” |
【 Date 】 |
March 26, 2014 |
【 Venue 】 |
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Room 0233 (F3), 2nd Building
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 466-8555, Japan
【 Access 】 |
http://www.nitech.ac.jp/eng/access/index.html |
>>> 1st Workshop