理論と実験の協奏による柔らかな分子系の機能の科学-文部科学省科学研究費補助金「新学術領域研究」領域代表者 田原太平 (平成25-29年度) やわぶん


第3回 公開シンポジウム

詳細はニュースレター(No.23 ニュースレター 平成 27 年 07 月号)をご覧ください。
KAKENHI International Symposium on "Studying the Function of Soft Molecular Systems"
【 Date 】 July 9 - July 11, 2015
【 Venue 】 Miraikan Hall
2-3-6 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
【 Access 】 https://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/en/guide/route/
【 Registration 】 Please contact us at yawaraka@csd.res.titech.ac.jp

July 9, 2015

13:00 Opening Remarks by Tahei TAHARA
13:10 Outline of Group A01 by Akio KITAO
13:20-13:40 A01 Akio KITAO (The University of Tokyo)
"Softness-function relationship in large molecules and molecular assemblies investigated at atomic resolution"
13:40-14:00 A01 Shoji TAKADA (Kyoto University)
"Flexibility in protein-DNA molecular recognition studied by multiscale simulations"
14:00-14:20 A01 Kumiko HAYASHI (Tohoku University)
"Application of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics to intracellular cargo transport by motor proteins"
14:20-14:40 A01 Akihiro MORITA (Tohoku University)
"Theory of structure and functions of liquid and polymer interface"
14:40-15:00 A01 Tatsuhiko OHTO (Osaka University)
"Development of molecular dynamics method with the aid of first-principles calculations and application to the interface"
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break (30 min.)
15:30-16:05 John E. STRAUB (Boston University, USA)
"Toward a molecular theory of early and late events in monomer to amyloid fibril formation"
16:05-16:25 A01 Shigehiko HAYASHI (Kyoto University)
"Theoretical analysis and rational design of catalytic activity of flexible molecules"
16:25-16:45 A01 Miho HATANAKA (Kinki University)
"Theoretical study of highly stereoselective aqueous reactions catalyzed by flexible chiral complexes"
16:45-17:05 A01 Yuki KURASHIGE (Institute for Molecular Science)
"Entangled quantum states in photochemistry of π-conjugated molecules and complexes with transition metal clusters"
17:05-17:40 Stephen R. MEECH (University of East Anglia, UK)
"Photophysics of the GFP chromophore in solution and protein"
17:40 End of Session

July 10, 2015

10:00-10:35 Paul M. CHAMPION (Northeastern University, USA)
"Vibrationally enhanced deep proton tunneling in proteins"
10:35-10:45 Outline of Group A02 by Yasuhisa MIZUTANI
10:45-11:05 A02 Yasuhisa MIZUTANI (Osaka University)
"Time-resolved observation and elucidation of functionally-important molecular flexibility"
11:05-11:25 A02 Masaaki FUJII (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
"Structual variety and solvation dynamics of hydrogen-bonded system studied by gas-phase spectroscopy"
11:25-11:45 A02 Taka-aki ISHIBASHI (University of Tsukuba)
"Total internal reflection Raman and VSFG spectroscopies of solid-liquid interfaces"
11:45-12:05 A02 Takayuki UCHIHASHI (Kanazawa University)
"Single-molecule manipulation and control of protein conformational dynamics using high-speed AFM"
12:05-13:30 Lunch (85 min.)
13:30-13:50 A02 Ryota IINO (Institute for Molecular Science)
"High speed single-molecule measurement of conformational dynamics of molecular motors probed by gold nanorod"
13:50-14:10 A02 Satoshi TAKAHASHI (Tohoku University)
"Investigation on the dynamics of protein folding by single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy"
14:10-14:30 A02 Tomohisa TAKAYA (Gakushuin University)
"Relaxation dynamics of chromophore bound selectively to protein studied by ultrafast near-IR vibrational spectroscopy"
14:30-14:50 A02 Tahei TAHARA (RIKEN)
"Study of complex molecular systems by ultrafast and nonlinear spectroscopy"
14:50-15:20 Coffee Break (30 min.)
15:20- Outline of Group A03 by Hideki KANDORI
15:30-15:50 A03 Hideki KANDORI (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
""Soft" structure-function relationship revealed by functional conversion of photoreceptive proteins"
15:50-16:10 A03 Masato KATAHIRA (Kyoto University)
"Mechanism of bifunction of RNA, trapping of protein and switching of enzymatic activity"
16:10-16:30 A03 Kenjiro HANAOKA (The University of Tokyo)
"Development of fluorescence probes utilizing structural dynamics of azo group"
16:30-16:50 A03 Jun TERAO (Kyoto University)
"Most suitable molecular design and synthesis for enthalpy control of conductive polymer chain"
16:50-17:10 Break (20 min.)
17:10-17:30 A03 Waka NAKANISHI (National Institute for Materials Science)
"Developments of assembly of nonplanar conjugated molecules based on dynamic analysis"
17:30-17:50 A03 Takashi NAKANISHI (National Institute for Materials Science)
"Development of photo-responsible supramolecular materials with precise molecular design"
17:50 End of Session
18:00- Banquet

July 11, 2015

10:00-10:35 Mordechai SHEVES (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
"Efficient solid-state electron transport through proteins and possible mechanism"
10:35-10:55 A03 Osamu SATO (Kyushu University)
"Development of stimuli responsive soft molecular crystals"
10:55-11:15 A03 Tetsuro MURAHASHI (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
"Organo-transition metal clusters: synthesis and elucidation of dynamic structures"
11:15-11:35 Short Presentations of Odd Number Posters
11:35-12:35 Poster Session (Odd Numbers)
12:35-13:30 Lunch (55 min.)
13:30-13:50 Short Presentations of Even Number Posters
13:50-14:50 Poster Session (Even Numbers)
14:50- Concluding Remarks by Tahei TAHARA
15:00 End of Symposium